Brebeuf Alumni

my tribe in 1969

My Tribe in 1969

Whatever your beliefs were in 1969, whatever your beliefs are today; my beliefs are mine!  I own them! They belong to me.  I have earned them.  In an enviroment of freedom our beliefs are equal.  

You do not have any right to inpose your belief on me, not I, my on you. 

If you do not believe this then stop reading.

A a fragment of the divine, we do not fall on equal ground.  Our formative experiences are not the same; they are the epigentics of who we become and what we want to do.  What appeard to be a negative or positive experience in our youth may later accelerate a person through a stage of personal growth, Reaching through the wall.

I believe that is going to happen.  

if you are in such a stage of growth, then you should keep reading...

What is theFlux?  In 25 words or less it's Democracy, Healcare and Education Level Two.  theFlux is a vision.  theFlux capacitor the means of taking the quatum leap required to reach that vision.

Here is what I want:

Democracy Level Two  

Healthcare Level Two

Education Level Two