
and a 



Executive Summary


I am a choice-maker.

I am Ra.  I am Thoth.   

I am SetI am Buddha

I follow the yoga of actionI flow with the Tao.  

I practice the Art of War.

(i) am Arjuna and (I) am Kristima

On the last night of the retreat, after hours around a campfire, someone asks me again: “I know, but why do they call it sacred geometry?” A light comes on. Just as my body is composed of cells that are aware of and respond to my needs and desires, I realize that my consciousness is built upon and supported by a foundation of distinct mental archetypes symbolized by avatars of RA, Thoth, Set, Buddha; joined together ina geometric pattern.

theTotalPane is a study of manifestation within a realm of frequency, vibration and the steel plate of reality—a study of the movement of light through physical form.

A study of manifestation within the kingdoms of cymatics , sacred geometry, colour and light.  

 I AM.  

I am a Water Cluster.   Bought to this point by the River.  

I AM a biochemical machine with sensors,  pond Scum.  I have been preprogrammed for millions of years, my BIOS encoded by culture and updated by epigenetics.

What are the odds?

I AM a holon

unique as an individual but simultaneously a member of a  complex adaptive species suddenly emergent on the third rock spiralling around the sun god RA! 

A luminous spheroid of plasma moving at the speed of light in a great circle around the Milky Way.  The Milky Way itself, spiralling around the great attractor!   

What are the odds of that?

That I AM Here

I AM Here at this time.  

I AM Here at this place.

What are the odds?  

We are on a journey over which we have absolutely no control.  Nevertheless, there are crossroads, and there are choices.  In terms of the cosmic year, these choices happen in less than a nanosecond. However, each personal choice we make is woven into the tapestry of the field.  Every choice is woven into the biosphere's morphogenetic field, where, like fish in water, we are connected by a great pattern that we can not see.   The Flower of Life maps that territory,  but the map is not the territory.

As your ID spirals at supernatural speeds around the Milky Way galaxy, 

the choices you make matter!  

Your choices matter to all of us.  

Your choices are making a difference in the eternal moment.  Icarus Allan watts Flyby

“Life exists only at this very moment, and in this moment, it is infinite and eternal. For the present moment is infinitely small; before we can measure it, it has gone, and yet it exists forever...” - Alan Watts.

As a species, we have surrounded the planet with a web of light, creating circles of information and knowledge, acting like a particle accelerator for human intelligence, creating six degrees of separation between thought and understanding.  Your id is a particle within the Higgs field of our species, a species about to make a quantum leap in energy and development.   

If we don't blow everything up.  - Icarus Elon Musk Flyby

Perhaps all of it leads to

What are the odds?

no need to be concerned
3x28x28 wood panels

In the science of cymatics, as the frequency increases, the vibration increases, and as the vibration increases, the complexity of the resulting form increases.  The frequency of the biosphere in which we all reside is increasing; it doesn't matter what you call it; it's apparent in climate change but even more so in the demand for the freedom to love.

Things are about to get even more chaotic, and as a result, we will become more complex. As individuals, we are grains of sand bouncing around the hard steel plate of reality, doing the best we can with our current state of consciousness.

there ain't no such thing as a free lunch.   

If my neighbour becomes ill, then I will sicken.

Suddenly emergent indeed! 

Our social history goes back not much more than 12,000 years ago because there was a big rock from the sky and a great flood worldwide!  Perhaps you remember hearing about the flood?  Or do you live in Florida?   In any case,  the earth's geological history has been defined going back billions of years by rocks:  Rocks don't lie because they are rocks.  Lying around, not lying!  So to speak.  Some very strange rocks

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it
Icarus George Santayana Flyby

200 years ago, there were one billion of us, and on average, we lived for 30 to 40 years.  60% of us died before the age of five.   Today, there are eight billion (8,000,000,000) of us, and we live between 70 and 80 years.  

Those who cannot leave the past behind are rocks. 

Today, 90% of the world's population owns a smartphone, a technology that provides more information, music, and interpersonal connections than ever before. That sounds good from the perspective of health, socioeconomic, and cultural development and growth, but it also looks like someone went on vacation and left a petri dish out.  And that resulted in an invasive species looking to justify its metaphysical impact on the chaos of reality.

Meanwhile, the heartbeat of our biosphere, a complex system in which everything is connected with everything else, is beating faster. Small wonder many of us are mad as hatters!

*an expression linked to the hat-making industry and mercury poisoning. In the 18th and 19th centuries, industrial workers used a toxic substance, mercury nitrate, to turn the fur of small animals, such as rabbits, into felt for hats.  

Do you think that a cauliflower wants to look like that?
Icarus golden spiral Flyby  

Despite this development and growth, so many of us are unhappy.  Every morning, we automatically process three questions:  Where am I?; What is going on?; and What can I do about it?  Missing the salient question 

Who's Asking?  

Altogether, because as a species, we have etched these questions into our genetic code!  We learn through osmosis in childhood, and as the waters rise, we hold our own children up over our heads and throw them to safety, crying out!  "We are the Coods!".  

And as a result, every morning, we already know who we are. We know because for generations, our ancestors held us up over their heads and said:  

Give me a child before the age of reason
and he will be mine for the rest of his life. 

For most of us it's groundhog day.  

The Seed of Life

The Seed of Life combines creativity, growth, and development. It is found in all major religions and can be seen in many Synagogues, Churches, Kabbalah prayer books, and the ancient Osirian temple in Abydos, Egypt, the source of all the major religions and mystical studies. It is simple geometry.

You can draw this with a stick in the sand on a beach, as the tide rises.  

The Flower of Life

The Flower of Life is a dimensionless polar 360* geometric pattern.  

Reality may be mapped upon this pattern.

and it all arises out of the void

The Fruit of Life

Metatron's Cube

The series of lines made by connecting the center of 13 circles from the Flower of Life outlining the five Platonic Solids, geometrical shapes that appear repeatedly in nature: tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron and icosahedron. 

The Flower of Life reveals the nested holographic nature of reality: as above, so as below and the Five Senses of Sight, Sound, Smell, Taste, and Touch that the Human Body uses to Receive Sensory Information. 

the tetrahedron is the 3D plank object, the god particle, the higges boson 

1883:  Nikola Tesla invented the  "Tesla coil" a transformer that changed electricity from low voltage to high voltage, making it easier to transport over long distances.

1884:  Nikola Tesla invented the electric alternator for producing alternating current (AC). Until this time, electricity had been generated using direct current (DC) from batteries.

1888:  Nikola Tesla demonstrated the first polyphase alternating current (AC) electrical system. 

The limits of Reality

 “As Terence McKenna observed, “Modern science is based on the principle: ‘Give us one free miracle and we’ll explain the rest.’ The one free miracle is the appearance of all the mass and energy in the universe and all the laws that govern it in a single instant from nothing.  

The Reality is that you are a biological self-replicating self-programming sensor array with a pre-programmed BIOS tasked with finding meaning and understanding in a universe where everything is vibrating at incredible refresh rates moving in a spiral around the great attractor generating a field of  E=mc2 where the Field is the sole governing agency of the particle.  

sacred geometry is static 

reality is aperodic

You are a particle, a grain of sane. A butterfly.  A snowflake.  What you make of it is up to you.  


The map is not the territory,

 but there is a pattern here that we can discern. 


The map and territory is a metaphor used to illustrate the difference between the actual world and our understanding of the world as we perceive it to be. The 'map' is our understanding of the 'territory' of reality, and we must be careful to remember that the map is not the territory!

Which side of the lake you are on, matters!

Your choices matter!

